We are a transdisciplinary network working across art, science, nature and everyday life
Guided by the imperative grow your own worlds we create conditions, build tools, and facilitate the processes that encourage things to grow. We grow our own, cultivating minds, environments, organisations, collaborative techniques and governance structures. We grow worlds — immersive situations, participatory workshops, gameworlds, site-specific experiences and experiential scenarios. These worlds are situated in complex cultures and distinctive habitats, bound by physics and history, and populated with human and non-human characters. Together, we cultivate an ecology of practices to grapple with the intricate tangle of realities, from the convoluted legacies of the past, to the turbulent complexity of the present, and possible adjacent futures.

Foam. A mass of bubbles formed by agitation or fermentation. A dynamic, shifting entity that changes shape and size as required. FoAM is a distributed network, with cells and nodes comprising people, projects and organisations, spread across the thin habitable surface of the planet. This decentralised structure allows our nodes to remain small and flexible, seeding divergent experimental initiatives, while the network supports and develops joint activities, increasing the capacity to act at multiple scales, and in different configurations.
FoAM's activities and thematics are as wide-ranging as the people involved. Identifying and connecting people across professional and cultural boundaries, FoAM’s members include artists, scientists, engineers, facilitators, cooks, designers, and gardeners. We are a tangled swarm of generalists, a community of practice working between and outside established disciplines. In the spirit of an open source culture, we publish our work, tend to a collaborative wiki, and host public events that foster participatory learning and co-creation.Translating visions of transformation into tangible public experiments, we open these ideas to conversation, and the scrutiny of people from different walks of life.
We share intermittent updates through our blog, newsletter, flickr and mastodon.
Email us with inquiries regarding the FoAM network, or get in touch with specific people or studios