Machine Wilderness Dialogues

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Finissage of the Machine Wilderness exhibition with a demo by Verstappen & Driessens of their artificial bird spotter and Klaas Kuitenbrouwer will engage in conversation with several of the artists about their research periods in the Amstelpark.

15:00 Introduction exhibition Theun Karelse (FoAM) and Alice Smits (Zone2Source)

15:30 Demonstration: Can robots dream? By Maria Verstappen and Erwin Driessens
Verstappen & Driessens will give a live demonstration of their AI and its learning process to recognize black birds and show also earlier experiments in which the computer learns to sing like a blackbird.

16:00 Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Nieuwe Instituut) in dialogue with Verstappen & Driessens, Jip van Leeuwenstein and Ian Ingram (20 min. per dialogue)

17.15 Arjen Bangma (Transnatural) presents Robotanica, a festival around robots and nature that recently took place in the Tolhuis Tuin in Amsterdam

17:30 – 18:00 debate with all participants, moderated by Theun Karelse.


FoAM - Amsterdam, Witte de withstraat 122 , 1057 ZH Amsterdam , The Netherlands
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