Voedsel 2.0

During the Days of Sustainability (10–14 October 2011), the Flemish Government invites FoAM to host a lunch debate about the future of food – Voedsel 2.0. The format of this “open sauces world cafe lunch” is the exploration of a facilitated discussion paired with the open sauces concept. After an introductory talk by Maja Kuzmanovic, a three-course menu was served to the participants. The dishes are created to match the discussions, using taste, texture, scent, temperature and colour to provide possible answers to the questions. The discussions revolve around topics of food waste, the health aspects of food and transitions in food culture, resulting in change of behaviour.
This event is organised for the Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie.
- http://www.lne.be/duurzamevoeding/voedsel2.0/
- http://opensauces.cc