Su Sun Emerging from the lost & found section of grand central earth. Ghosts, mermaids and spirits are my preferred companions on the late night train to Terra. gRig Froesjels 29 October Open Sauces Open Sauces is a collection of projects, writings and events related to sharing of food, food culture and food systems. Down the Wormhole Mardi Gras 2023. Luck has no dominion. f0amfr0th f0amfr0th is a series of events organised by FoAM and whoever happens to be visiting the organisation. The events have an open format that can range from a theoretical talk to chill out rooms, from improvised networked performances to orchestrated bio-chemical experiments. Spontaneity, improvisation and informality are keywords that will grant access to this programme to the public and anyone interested in the process of working in the field of art and technology. Smoke & Vapour 22 November Crimson Orange Daiquiri Down the Wormhole